
This web site provides information about the board, and the ability to verify, the licensure status of Music Therapists, Behavior Anaylst and Acupuncturists licensed by the board.

The North Dakota State Board of Integrative Health Care was established in 2011 to protect the citizens of the state by regulating the practice of music therapy, behavior analyst and licensed acupuncturists. The Board licenses Music Therapists, Behavior Analyst and licensed Acupuncturists, and disciplines them if they violate the state statutes regarding each profession. It was the intent of the legislative session to create a small professions licensing board. For more information please see the About Us page.

The North Dakota Board of Integrative Health Care makes every effort to include on this website all relevant information pertaining to the licensing and regulation of the licensing and regulation of Music Therapy, Behavior Analyst and Acupuncture.

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Page Updated: 8/25/2023 3:36:05 PM